
"Yoga is not about standing on your own head. It's about learning how to stand on your own two feet." Yoga | Hiking | Blogger

How I Taught My First 100 Yoga Classes

Celebration was the theme for all of my classes last week. When it comes to celebrating things in life, the little celebrations are just as important as the big ones – birthdays, anniversaries, achieving a big goal, breaking a habit, developing a healthy habit, getting a job promotion, going further in a posture, losing weight, […] Read more…

Etiquette in the Yoga Room

  Yes, there is such a thing as etiquette in the yoga room. As a new teacher, I’ve had every one of these “rules” broken at some point during one of my classes. I’ve come into the yoga room a few times to find groups of people in loud, engaging conversations. I’ve seen and stumbled […] Read more…

Class Intention: Being Present

Ferris Bueller said it best, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it.” This has been a reoccurring theme in my life over the last few months. Professionally, I’ve had some pretty big, back-to-back projects at work I’ve had to tackle. Personally, I decided to […] Read more…

What Time Should I Show Up For Class?

My motto has always been, “Early is on time and on time is late. If you’re late, don’t even bother coming unless you have a really good excuse.” I apply this motto to all aspects of my life, especially my yoga practice. Bikram Yoga is my ultimate way to release stress from daily life. The […] Read more…

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